Social Responsibility



" When the wind blows there are those that build walls and then there are those that build windmills.”

Devineserve sole aim and vision is to reduce and ultimately stop the wastage of food and helping the helpless by all means . Basically we are in the domain of Zero Food Wastage and things have settled down well as long as collection and distribution of food is concerned. We collect surplus left over consumable food from various sources (basically marriage functions) and subsequently distribute the same to the poor. Things have settled down pretty well and now we are able to feed about 25K poor persons every month with the food which otherwise was going to bins. Now plan is to move ahead – to level 2 and insert technical things into the orbat like:




  • Establishment of food testing lab.

  • Convert presently held collection Tata Ace vehicle into cold storage vehicle (aim is to increase the life of collected food).

  • Design and construct a mobile cold water unit – where in with food it may be possible to serve water to people.

  • Preparation of a coffee table book for annakshetra – which can be presented to VIPs in various forums.

  • Designing of pamphlets and posters.

  • Re designing of website.

Whatever good idea or thought is shared with us, we do check the feasibility of its execution. Now aim is to push the concept forward and reach more places. I am sure the corporate would share their thoughts, support and views on the subject and their experience will surely help us to move forward in more pro way. Aim is very clear – no piece of cooked food should go the bin, it should go to someone’s mouth. Looking forward.




Devineserve  requires tremendous amount of support and help from all sections of the society in whatever form one can deliver. The Corporate can help and join the initiative as one of their CSR activities. CSR fund/donations can go in a big way in undertaking various projects of Devineserve. Devineserve falls as one of the best projects in the list of NGOs in India and other countries.  This NGO is totally into food wastage and is working to eradicate hunger among poor children, women and men. Volunteers from all part of the society have come forward and taken it as a charity work. Devineserve is exploring various means and ways to avoid wastage of food.It has sorted help from various NGOs dealing with wastage as well. It desires all to volunteer and come forward to contribute to the cause and strengthen its food waste management program. There are number of ways one can help Devineserve – volunteer for NGO, join the NGO, donating as charity, CSR activities, and organizations taking as its social responsibility, provide aid in whatever form etc.



Devineserve is organised, structured and strategic. Since it well versed into the field of Food Management, it can also help companies and work for their CSR. Devineserve is all transparent about its funding and this gives it more credibility. Now Annakshetra itself is a global brand in its own right and provide the multidisciplinary arsenal that many companies lack in order to tackle socio-environmental problems. What it needs is an opening, support and a push.


Feel free to call us for any queries, or just drop in a mail [email protected]


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